Bridges T.C
Źródło opisu
ebookpoint BIBLIO
Katalog księgozbioru
Forma i typ
Wypożyczalnia - ul. Prusa 3
Sekuła Aleksandra
Kozioł Paweł
Kochanowski Jan
Kotwica Wojciech
Kowalska Dorota
Bridges T.C
Konopnicka Maria
Krzyżanowski Julian
Leśmian Bolesław
Krasicki Ignacy
Boy-Żeleński Tadeusz
Mickiewicz Adam
Słowacki Juliusz
Baczyński Krzysztof Kamil
Kraszewski Józef Ignacy
Orzeszkowa Eliza
Sienkiewicz Henryk
Jachowicz Stanisław
Otwinowska Barbara
Rzepka Rafał
Dybała Paweł (1981- )
Rolando Bianka
Trzeciak Weronika
Żeleński Tadeusz
Żeromski Stefan
Wallace Edgar
Ziajkiewicz Artur
Dybała Paweł
Czechowicz Józef
Sidorkiewicz Tomasz
Shakespeare William
Mosiewicz Maria
Korzeniewski Wiktor
Conrad Joseph
Doyle Arthur Conan
Dwornik Karolina
Ślusarczyk-Bryła Paulina
Liebert Jerzy
May Karol
Biel Mirella
Goliński Zbigniew
Dug Katarzyna
Siemianowski Roch
Pawlikowska-Jasnorzewska Maria
Syty Jakub (1982- )
Bogucka Masza
Prus Bolesław
Przerwa-Tetmajer Kazimierz
Miciński Tadeusz
Asnyk Adam
Masiak Wojciech
Filipowicz Leszek
Drewnowski Jacek (1974- )
Oppenheim E. Phillips
Curant Catrina
Baudelaire Charles
Balcer Karolina
Birek Wojciech (1961- )
Starosta Marek
Roberts Nora
Iwaszkiewicz Jarosław
M. Annah Viki
Cartland Barbara
Kasprowicz Jan
Derengowska Joanna
Brand Max
Domańska Joanna
Будна Наталія
Markiewicz Henryk
Lech Justyna
Latoś Dariusz
Drewnowski Jacek
Pratchett Terry
Rawinis Marian Piotr
Cieślak Piotr
Syrokomla Władysław
Norwid Cyprian Kamil
Braiter Paulina
Braiter Paulina (1968- )
Dickens Charles
Zychma Agnieszka
Balzac Honoré de
Birek Wojciech
Lange Antoni
Kornhauser Julian
London Jack
Pigoń Stanisław
Ignaczak Tomasz
Prus Bolesław [pseud.]
Napierski Stefan
Pasewicz Edward
Verne Jules
Keff Bożena
Plewako-Szczerbiński Krzysztof
Sobczak Tomasz
Tuczapska Paulina
Piechowiak Anna
Wiesiołowski Jacek
Grabiński Stefan
Andersen Hans Christian
Rok wydania
2020 - 2024
1930 - 1939
Kraj wydania
Literatura angielska
Literatura młodzieżowa
24 wyniki Filtruj
W koszyku
Forma i typ
The long table was filled with guys from Overtons school, everyone was busy with breakfast and talked from sixteen to a dozen. Only two days remained until the end of the summer semester, and everyone was wildly excited about the idea of returning home for a long eight-week vacation. Bruce, being the captain of the hostel, sat at the head of the table, and Clive next to him so that they could read their letters calmly.
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Keith Marlowe, who had just been trained at the Mounted Police Barracks, Regina, is heading to the country of Kuchin and the Rockies to gather white drug dealers. Keith has a long, painful journey, and many difficulties must be overcome before his mission is successfully completed.
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A few minutes passed, and Martin, lazily tapping his pencil on paper, seemed to have little interest in sounds. Then suddenly his attitude changed, his back straightened, and a look of passionate interest illuminated his sharp gray eyes. The door of the large room opened, and a boy came in quickly, a boy about the same age as Martin, but as dark and thin as Martin, tall and bright.
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W koszyku
Men of the Mist / T.C. Bridges. - [miejsce nieznane] : Ventigo Media : ebookpoint BIBLIO, 2024. - 185 s.
Forma i typ
The TEA at the Wasperton School was nothing more than thick slices of bread and margarine and an ominous black mixture served in huge metal teapots. The food was so bad that the boys could hardly eat it, but they did not dare to complain, at least as long as they were under the gaze of their master, Mr. Silas Craishaw. Because his eyes were no less rigid than his cane, and not a day passed, but some of them felt a prick of it. Among the forty or so boys who were sitting at two long tables, there was a couple that was somehow different from the rest. Despite their worn clothes and patched boots, an atmosphere of reproduction reigned around Clem and Billy Ballard.
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Fat Mr. Horner might have changed his mind if he could have watched Gilberts face as he drove his rattling old motorcycle over the bridge and climbed the steep slope beyond. The young mans lips were clenched and his eyes were hard. These weekly trips to Taverton were the only gap in the deadly monotony of life in the works of Carnaby Clay, and he hated to return there, like a boy hates to return to school.
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Jim was a tall boy, taller than Bart and probably a year older, and would have looked nice if not for his conceited expression. His hair was black as ink, he had very dark eyes, and his skin was darker than that of an ordinary Englishman. Behind him was a small plump guy who looked like a groom or nursery. The new arrival looked at his dogs, then turned to Bart.
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W koszyku
Sons of the Air / T.C. Bridges. - [miejsce nieznane] : Ventigo Media : ebookpoint BIBLIO, 2024. - 173 s.
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This spring was the most treasured possession of Kurt, since without him there could not have been a trout farm that gave him life. There was never a day when he did not inspect it, and it was very fashionable to keep a thermometer in it to see that the temperature does not change. He never knew a change of more than four degrees from thirty-eight degrees to forty-two. When he picked up the thermometer, he noticed a flicker of white in the dark jaws of spring. Something rose, spinning in a rush of water.
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The roar of the pampero rattling above the chimneys of the solidly built Estancia drowned the rumble, but the sound was loud enough for Jock and Ned Burnie to jump from their chairs by the fire and run out of the room. At the foot of the stairs on the floor of broken clay lay an old man in a magnificent frame. Jock first got to him and leaned over him.
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The boy knew all too well that his father was fighting to preserve the farm. The land was poor and they had three bad seasons. Unable to even pay for the labor, the farmer Holt and his seventeen-year-old son did almost all the work themselves, and sometimes it was hard work. They would not have known their neighbors, but the beasts themselves in the stables and stables lived better than Holt and his son.
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The bottom of the gorge was filled with old lava, black and fragile, like bottle glass, but the rocks that endlessly rose on both sides on an African night were made of limestone. Everything was still like death. Even the jackal did not cry under the stars. For a while no sound was heard except for the gentle shuffling of Nicks legs as he slowly descended the steep slope. The darkness was terribly frightening for others, but Nick knew the way, and they unconditionally trusted him.
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W koszyku
The Death Star / T.C. Bridges. - [miejsce nieznane] : Ventigo Media : ebookpoint BIBLIO, 2024. - 193 s.
Forma i typ
This old science fiction novel, Bridges, describes the Earth, largely devastated and devastated by terrible unrest in the solar system. The story tells about the adventures of seven people sailing in a wonderful airship of the future. There is a mortal battle between the two scientists: one is trying to build a new and better world on the ruins of the old, the other is a villain fighting to create a system that will finally destroy what remains on Earth.
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W koszyku
The Gold Magnet / T.C. Bridges. - [miejsce nieznane] : Ventigo Media : ebookpoint BIBLIO, 2024. - 168 s.
Forma i typ
The cold drizzle made Plymouth unhappy, and it was with a sigh of relief that Bruce Carey exchanged the greasy, dirty platform of North Road Station for the warm, well-lit comfort of a first-class night mail coupe for London. At first he thought that he would have a car, but when the train was getting ready to start, a man jumped into it and fell on the seat opposite Bruce. He was breathing heavily, as if running, and Bruce, looking at him, was struck by the expression on his face.
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W koszyku
The Golden Key / T.C. Bridges. - [miejsce nieznane] : Ventigo Media : ebookpoint BIBLIO, 2024. - 225 s.
Forma i typ
Four years of hard work under the tropical sun, a young American invested in this place. He, Dick, had been on it for a whole year. He knew how Dudley liked it, and knew perfectly well that it would be unpleasant for him to refuse him. What was his business when Dudley so quietly perceived all this?
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W koszyku
The Hidden Enemy / T.C. Bridges. - [miejsce nieznane] : Ventigo Media : ebookpoint BIBLIO, 2024. - 167 s.
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Peter slowly rose to the top. He was in a blue twill suit, his brown shoes were old but well polished, and his soft gray hat looked like a hundred others. If someone tried to watch him, they would take him for a city clerk, enjoying a quiet walk to get that little fresh air that moved on this sinister hot night.
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Peter Carr, with his usual skills, scattered flies through blazing puddles. And yet not a single fish moved, nor did the slightest rise reward him for all his efforts. Peter walked many miles that day, and the prospect of a quiet evening over the blazing peat fire was clearly pleasant. But before he walked another quarter of a mile, he was awakened by his pleasant reverie of a piercing call for help.
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The early summer morning was warm and very quiet, and the only sound in the bare, barn-like room was the slow sucking of waves at the foot of the granite cliff on which it was built. On the table in the center of the room was a wireless device with five valves, the wires through which passed through the roof. Two thin cords dangled near the wires, the lower ends of which were within the reach of Jim Selvin, a tall, slender boy with a sharp face, who was sitting with headphones in his ears.
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As the great plane roared through the upper air, young Monty Vince sat with his eyes glued to the thick glass window of her enclosed body, and watched the sea of clouds lying like a pearly floor far below. Every nerve in his body tingled with excitement and triumph, for even he, small as was his experience, knew that this first flight of his brothers new machine was a magnificent success.
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W koszyku
The Plunder Pit / T.C. Bridges. - [miejsce nieznane] : Ventigo Media : ebookpoint BIBLIO, 2024. - 138 s.
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Short and stout as he was, Pip could handle a boat with any man, and the speed with which he got the sail up and tied down the reef points was worth watching. As he finished, the great arch of cloud swept over the sun, wiping, out its bright light. Then with a roar the wind was on them.
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W koszyku
The River Riders / T.C. Bridges. - [miejsce nieznane] : Ventigo Media : ebookpoint BIBLIO, 2024. - 179 s.
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Winter closed early over the great desert of the Northwest, and the first dense snow lay on the banks and covered dark trees with a white mantle. Ice formed under the river banks, and its huge layers crumbled under the sound of a choking stern wheel and rattled like broken glass on a track. In the snowy forest thickets, neither human dwellings nor living creatures were visible. The still air was bitter from the frost, and a dull red sun fell behind the distant hills.
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Set against a Florida background, this story tells of the adventures of Bill Picton and his young companions who trail a gang of moonshiners through the steaming, sluggish swamp-lands. Fitzgordon had never in his life before been in a tropical swamp, and the very first thing he did was to get both feet tangled in a coil of tough bamboo vine, and come down flat on his face on the wet black muck. The stuff was like rotten sponge, and just as full of water as it would hold. When he gained his feet again he was soaked from his knees to his neck.
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